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Why You Should Understand the Difference Between Health and Wellness
It may change your life. Health and wellness are important, but they are not the same. Learn the differences between the two, and why it is more important to focus on wellness.
Why Wellness is Not Overrated
You are about wellness because you only get one body. It is easy to lose sight of why health and wellness are important when it is marketed so heavily for profit. Your wellness goals are worth it because you are valuable.
How to Get Your Health Back on Track.
Not your typical diet and wellness post. Eating well again after a holiday binge or a long time of eating poorly can feel hard. Read four psychological strategies for getting your health back on track.
Your Story Really is Unique: Here is How to Find It
You have a powerful and important story. Here is how to write your story. Or how to just understand it.
Powerful Storytelling: How I Discovered the Power of My Own Story
Everyone has a powerful story. Examining and understanding your own story has three powerful benefits.
Three Practical Tips for Managing a Dramatic Diet Change
Changing to a significantly different diet is not easy. I had to do this two years ago when I transitioned from a medically restricted low protein diet to a regular standard American diet. Learn some tips to make the change easier.
For the Parents: Preparing Your Child for Possible Diet Change
Advice for parents of PKU children that want to know how to prepare their child for a future treatment that requires a diet change
Learn more about a variety of keynotes, workshops, trainings, and other programs Sarah offers empowering others to discover their authentic self. Help you and your team untap their true potential by overcoming barriers, transforming their leadership, and expanding cultural awareness through diversity, inclusion and more.
About Prosperous PKU
Prosperous PKU centers around wellness. But not wellness from a traditional, commercial sense in that you have to be or do something specific to be well, like lose weight or eat an organic diet. My name is Sarah Hope Marshall, and I created Prosperous PKU out of my lifelong battle with rare disease. Wellness as defined by conventional health beauty standards was never an option for me. However, my accomplishments have far exceeded what doctors told my parents would be possible when I was diagnosed at 11 days old. Prosperous PKU aims to pass along the lessons I learned about what it means to live well.
Wellness means self-awareness, discipline, stewarding what you have, living life with purpose, advocating for yourself and others, communicating well, internal leadership, and appreciating the diversity in this world. Wellness is a state of being, not a specific body weight. Wellness requires understanding your own values and making decisions from a place of authenticity. It is a state of prospering, which means to succeed in what you set out to achieve, as defined by your own internal goals, values, and visions.
Your Story Matters
You have lived a life full of experiences that are important and significant. All of us have days where life feels average, but that does not mean that you are.
Go download this short guide to be reminded why your story is so powerful (and it really is!)